Enjoy the change
Take a walk somewhere different,experience scenes and places you haven't seen before.
Take time to look around and feel the energy that surrounds you.
Listen to what you are hearing
Say hello to someone new
In one moment everything can change
In one moment it has changed
Breath in and out try to get a feel of who you are
What do you want to do next ?
Maybe just sit down while you enjoy the experience
It's up to you to understand what is needed to make the change .
Ask your loved ones in Spirit they will be very happy to help guide you
You just need the Faith to start your new journey
With a little bit of Faith everything can change which makes way for something new to grow in your life,
Open up
Reach out
Shine your Light
Even a little bit of Faith don't be afraid to make the change you have to start somewhere no better time than now.
Enjoy the Change